Monday, May 18, 2020

Does Race / Ethnicity Impact Pay Inequity - 1805 Words

Research Questions Research questions are based on the purpose of study, the area of concern, and the condition(s) that need to be improved upon. The research questions below will aide in providing detail and facts that correlate with how the (x) variables impact pay inequity. 1. Is gender a factor in the equity of pay in the American workforce? 2. Does your socio-economic status have anything to do with pay inequity? 3. Does your education level factor into pay inequity? 4. Does race/ethnicity impact pay inequity? 5. Does the occupation and or industry you work in play a role in pay inequity? Theoretical Framework This research is developed and built on the framework of conflict theory after extensive investigation and analysis of secondary data sources that draw from scholarly works to identify the variables in the assessment of the factors impacting pay inequality in the United States. These sources, building on the theory, ultimately led to critical conclusions in the decision-making process while attempting to create the hypotheses of the study. Here, the variables of race, socioeconomic status, educational level, and gender all come influence in one way or the other and prove the theory to be true. Many researchers who subscribe to the works of Karl Mark concerning capitalism argue that inequity is not necessary and that inequity does not serve any relevant function. These scholars are rather of the opinion that injustice or inequality are but symbols of societalShow MoreRelatedFactors That Impact Pay Inequity2331 Words   |  10 Pages Assessment of the Factors that Impact Pay Inequity in America Name Institution â€Æ' Assessment of the Factors that Impact Pay Inequity in America The widening inequality in income has progressively grown to become a defining challenge in the contemporary society. 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