Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Breastfeeding and the Sexual Objectification of Women Essay

Breastfeeding and the Sexual Objectification of Women The sexual objectification of women is detrimental not only to women, but also to their children and even the environment. This objectification may prevent women from breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is extremely beneficial to both mother and baby and the environment as well. Breastfed children are less likely to have ear infections, allergies, vomiting, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, chronic digestive disease, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, bacterial meningitis, research also indicates that breastfeeding may help protect against Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), women who were breastfed as infants have a lower rate of breast cancer, and†¦show more content†¦Yet the La Leche League offers thirty helpful approaches to handle those who criticize a mother for breastfeeding. Criticize a mother for doing something every medical association recommends? Criticize them for doing something to immensely beneficial to both the mother and child? Why would someone criticize such a thing? One man wrote to the La Leche League asking, Our baby has just turned 5 months old and is handling formula and baby food. My wife still insists on breastfeeding -- is there a problem there?(Parent soup). Still insists? The AAP recommends breastfeeding for at least a year. They recommend mothers milk exclusively for the first six months of life. So why is this man bothered by his wife doing whats best for both her and their child? Women all over the country are being harassed and even fired for breastfeeding. Another womans co-workers would stand outside her door and moo. One colleague would ask her for some milk for his coffee when she passed. A florist was fired before she returned from maternity leave because she mentioned that shed like to express breastmilk at some point during the workday. Angela Matlocks, a bank teller, supervisor refused to allow her to express milk at work at suitable times (she offered to punch out during her two daily breaks), even after her doctor and midw ife sent letters explaining the benefits of breastfeeding. (Redbook, 103) Laura Sullivan was told she wasnt allowedShow MoreRelatedSex : Sex And Sex Essay1677 Words   |  7 Pages one night stands, and even rape and sexual assault. Sex was solely meant for procreation circa 1900’s but over time sex has regained its true connotation of being pleasurable but with a stigma. Sex nowadays has become more of a male thing. With society being heavily satiated in the media, women are now seen as objects. The pleasure in sex is no longer mutual for both men and women, especially in today’s hookup culture. 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